πŸ’— Salty & Sweet! Sprinkle some salt and love this Mother's Day πŸ’—

The Magic of Black Salt

When people think of salt, they mostly imagine a fine white crystalline powder that adds a pleasant tang to most dishes. What many people don’t realise, however, is that salt comes in many varieties, and “regular” table salt is just one of many variants of this condiment. Salt doesn’t have to be basic at all—it can be the most exciting ingredient you add to a dish. For instance, have you ever heard of black salt?

There are a few different varieties of black salt, and they’re each slightly different. For example, there’s Hawaiian black salt, made by combining the salt with trace amounts of activated charcoal for a flavour that some describe as “earthy”. Then there’s Indian black salt, which is highly heated before being mixed with herbs and spices—some of which have a bit of sulphur in them. Indian black salt has quite a strong smell and adds a powerful savoury note to many dishes.

The next time you’re in the market for black salts of any kind, check out The Salt Box. We’re an online retailer focused exclusively on selling fine salts to clients for a variety of different purposes. For a closer look at our range of products, including all our black salts, just check out our website and explore the many different salts we have. We’re sure we can help you add a pinch of something wonderful to your kitchen.