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Benefits of Bath Salts

Many of us overlook the humble bath salt as something that Granny used to use, or something that you put on the shelf (you know … those colourful jars of salt we all used to make way back when). At Salt Box we find ourselves wanting to shout from the roof tops, "please people, think again - it’s not true!". We believe bath salts are one of the most natural, soothing and inexpensive ways to pamper and heal the human body and we just love them.

For over 2000 years people have been saying that certain salts, when used as a soak or treatment, deliver health benefits. These range from the slightly crazy claims (they help your libido) to scientific studies that show certain bath salts can be used to alleviate symptoms of inflamed skin, eczema, psoriasis and arthritis. There is even evidence out there to say that bath salts can assist with autism.

This is not to say that jumping in any old salty bath is going to cure all your ailments and create a new you (sorry). But we do believe that regular salty bathing (20 mins, up to 3x per week – link to how to use bath salts page) in either Dead Sea Salt, Epsom Salts or Himalayan salts can deliver benefits, enhance your skin and give you a healthy glow. More specific benefits include helping:

  • Sleep
  • Reduce stress
  • Relaxation
  • Inflamed skin
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Dermatitis
  • Arthritis
  • Autism

So what is it about bath salts that is so good that even the Bible consistently refers to them as a healing source? (It’s true – it’s in both the New and Old Testaments.) Dead Sea, Himalayan and Epsom salts contain loads of minerals that are critical nutrients for our bodies, which are often not absorbed, or poorly absorbed, from our food. Some of these are detailed below:

  • Magnesium: aids sleep and relaxation, promotes quick healing of skin tissue and provides the skin’s surface with anti-allergic elements, essential for cell metabolism.
  • Bromide: soothes skin, relaxes body muscles and calms nerves.
  • Chloride: combines with hydrogen in the stomach to make hydrochloric acid a powerful digestive enzyme.
  • Sodium: relieves stiffness and muscle cramps. Also a detoxifying agent, helping cells retain nourishment and expel waste.
  • Calcium: an essential mineral known to strengthen bones and teeth and cell membranes. Also cleanses pores.
  • Potassium: helps balance moisture in the skin and body, aiding in the reduction of water retention and in the nourishment of cells. Also regulates the nervous system.
  • Iodine: important for the correct function of the thyroid gland and aids metabolic exchanges
  • Sulfur: a natural disinfectant and detoxifying agent as it works with the liver to rid the body of toxins.
  • Zinc: when applied topically zinc is known to boost the immune system.

Starting to see why we love them so much? Bathing in salty water is not only nice, but it is nourishing and effective. When used properly they are 100% safe and produce no nasty side effects*. So go ahead … try them. We think you will become converts.

*Please note: Our only caveats are that people with sensitivities to Sulfur should not bath in Epsom salts and safety precautions should always be followed when soaking in baths – use caution getting in and out of any body of water, including the tub and avoid water that is too hot.

Benefits of Dead Sea Salts

Unsurprisingly, given the number of people who have sung the benefits of the Israeli beach vacation cure, the benefits of Dead Sea salt have been the most scientifically researched and tested of all the bath salts. And, the results have meant that the cynics have had to cast their cynicism to one side as studies from across the globe have demonstrated the positive effect that Dead Sea salts can have on inflammatory diseases, including eczema, psoriasis and arthritis. Indeed, many hospitals, health bodies and dermatologists are advocates for Dead Sea salts as a natural remedy for these conditions. So, sceptics – beware! Our Dead Sea goddess is not just a pretty face. Dead Sea Salts can soothe, nourish AND assist with a number of ailments.

Inflammatory diseases (eczema, psoriasis, allergic reactions, rashes, dry and ageing skin)
Dead Sea salts have been linked to successfully reducing the effects of inflammatory diseases such as eczema, dry skin, roughness and skin redness. This is thought to be linked to the high magnesium content in Dead Sea salts which binds water, influences epidermal proliferation and differentiation and enhances permeability barrier repair. The high bromide and magnesium in Dead Sea salt can relieve allergic reactions by cleansing.

A number of Eczema bodies, hospitals and dermatologists, including the National Eczema Association in the U.S.A. and the Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, recommend bathing in salts to reduce the symptoms of eczema. In Australia (and other countries) there are dedicated therapy rooms that provide ‘salt therapy’ to assist adults and children with skin conditions such as eczema.

One of the most interesting studies to back this up is one by Dr J. Arndt, from Germany, on the effect of Dead Sea Bath Salts on patients suffering from psoriasis. Dr Arndt showed that most symptoms of the illness diminished within one week of treatment i.e. notable itch, scaling, joint complaints, and sleeping difficulties. Other parameters, such as the spread redness and infiltration decreased more slowly, but after four weeks the majority of the patients were essentially free from complaints. Pretty remarkable we think.

Interestingly, one study into Dead Sea salt benefits has shown a 40% reduction in the depth of wrinkling. However, this is one you will have to prove yourself as it isn’t backed by enough independent scientific studies … We know bath salts are good, but even we can’t claim that they can turn back the clock.

Rheumatic arthritis
Dead Sea Salts are known to assist with rheumatic arthritis. Studies in Germany and Israel have proven that bathing in a 2% bath solution at home can deliver significant benefits to sufferers of arthritis. These include reduction in morning stiffness, improvement in walk time, hand-grip strength, activities of daily living, circumference of proximal interphalangeal joints, number of active joints and serum levels of amyloid A, rheumatoid factor, sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium.

Stress and insomnia
A good old soak in Dead Sea salts (we recommend 20 minute plus) is an excellent way to achieve deep relaxation. The combination of the warmth of the bath and the Dead Sea salts (which are a feast of minerals for the skin) assists with reducing stress, calming the mind and balancing emotions. A relaxation solution that is cheaper than a massage, a yoga or meditation session … what is there not to love?

Muscle aches and pains
The minerals from Dead Sea salts can help improve blood circulation which reduces inflammation and serves as a general muscle relaxant – this is mainly due to the potassium and bromide in Dead Sea salts. So for your sporty ones out there – it may be worth incorporating a salty bath into your regime. Hey – you may even become the next Hussain Bolt (or maybe not).

People with autism, and parents of children with autism, have offered anecdotal support to the benefits of bath salts (both Dead Sea and Epsom) to help relax their children. This is due to the sulphur and magnesium contained in these salts which help relax and promote calmness.

Benefits of Himalayan Salts

Improve the quality of skin
Himalayan salt is said to clean and purify pores and make skin smoother and suppler - so you too can look like a Queen...or a King.

Inflammatory diseases (eczema, psoriasis, allergic reactions, rashes, dry and ageing skin)
Like Dead Sea salts, Himalayan salts are also said to have a positive effect on common skin conditions such as dry skin, psoriasis and acne, as well as heal rashes, blisters and insect bites.

Prevent muscle cramping and soreness
Soaking in warm salty water can sooth cramping aches and pain. Like Dead Sea Salts, the minerals from Pink Himalayan Salts can help improve blood circulation which reduces inflammation and serves as a general muscle relaxant – this is mainly due to the potassium and bromide. Interestingly, Himalayan Salts are said to alleviate the symptoms of PMS (we told you this salt keeps on giving).

Regulate sleep and decrease stress
Like other bath salts, Himalayan Salts are linked to better sleep and reduced stress. Bathing in warm, salty water (we recommend 20 minutes plus) is an excellent way to achieve deep relaxation. The combination of the warmth of the bath and the Himalayan Salts (which are a feast of minerals for the skin) assists with reducing stress, calming the mind and balancing emotions. A relaxation solution that is cheaper than a massage, a yoga or meditation session … what is there not to love?

Benefits of Epsom Salts

Ease stress and relax the body
The magnesium in Espom salts, once absorbed by the skin, have been said to produce serotonin, a mood-elevating chemical within the body, to create a feeling of calm and relaxation. In addition, magnesium has been linked to the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the energy packets made in the cells. Many say that regular soaking in Epsom salts will help you feel better and gain more energy.

Relieve pain and muscle cramps
There are a lot of athletes, personal trainers, gym junkies out there that swear by soaking in Epsom salts to ease muscle pain and reduce inflammation. Many athletes and amateur athletes soak in Epsom salts following physical activity to reduce muscle pain and promote recovery.

Eliminate toxins from the body
The sulphates in Epson salts have been claimed to have a detoxifying effect on the body (through flushing toxins and heavy metals from the skin) and improving nerve function by encouraging proper regulation of electrolytes. An Epsom salt soak is also said to encourage detoxification of drugs remaining in the body after surgery.